Non-Objective Square

Materials needed:

*Construction paper
*Mat board

This project was to create a non-objective line extending from one point to another on a black square mat board.

*For a tutorial on this project visit Art Lessons for Teaching*
I personally wanted to create depth. To do this with one single line, I used my favorite kind of line – Calligraphic. I drew countless thumbnails to decide on the exact composition that I wanted. Once I decided on a thumbnail, I cut out a sheet of green colored construction paper that was the same size as the black mat board. I then sketched the design I chose onto the green square and cut out the line. I then sprayed the back of the green line with spray adhesive, positioned it on the black square, and pressed the shape onto the surface for it to stay in place.

What I learned from this project was the importance of planning. I drew up several thumbnail sketches of a composition that I wanted before settling on one design. Once I chose a design, I thought about the color scheme. I ended up pleased with the outcome of the project because of planning. It is amazing how expression can be so simply stated with one line. Any mood can be created using one line, and this was a great exercise for creating expression in a simple way.

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