Rhythm Sculpture

Materials needed:

*Foam shapes
*Thick black mat board
*Popsicle sticks (or any other kinds of sticks)
*Elmer’s Glue

The idea of this piece was to create a three-layer composition of rhythm using repeating line, shape, and color. The visual of the piece could be a tool to hearing a rhythm just by looking at the piece.

*For a tutorial on this project, visit Elementary Art 2014*
I wanted to keep my composition simple by only taking six foam shapes – three red squares, two yellow rectangles, and a blue rectangle. I decided to keep the color scheme a triad with the primary colors. I also used several nail or teardrop-shaped wooded sticks. I colored each of the sticks in red, yellow, or blue using markers. After the items were prepared, I then began to lay out my composition, starting with the sticks at the bottom. While thinking of rhythm, it reminded me of music, so I staggered and spaced the sticks to emulate notes on a page with variation and randomness of color and placement. I carefully glued this layer of sticks down the piece of black mat board.

After laying down the six foam pieces in a composition that I felt showed rhythm, I carefully glued those down as well.

This project, much like the non-objective square, planning was important. I had picked up colors and shapes that I wanted first, but taking the time to lay each layer of items down before gluing them was so important. In order to be completely happy with the results – to have clean order, layers, and an exhibition of rhythm in each layer – the most amount of time taken on the piece was definitely planning, which turned out to be successful.

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